2023 Theme: Be Fishers of Men
The USGA would like to set “Be Fishers of Men” (Mt. 4:19) as the 2023 theme for all local churches to follow.
This theme is to guide all local churches to focus on evangelical work in this new year. As the great mission that was entrusted to the church by our Lord Jesus, we must preach the gospel and make disciples of all the nations (Mt. 28:19~20).
The local churches to focus on the following areas, but not limited to:
Encourage each member or family to bring at least one friend to church per year.
Local church to record the number of friends (brought by members and walk-ins) who participated in church activities, and includes the total headcounts in the NCC evangelical report.
Local church evangelical department to provide monthly update to the Church Council on the progress of evangelical work.
Local church to plan at least one activity per month or quarter dedicated to evangelism (e.g., evangelical service, gospel tea fellowship, testimony sessions, systematic review of basic beliefs, Hosanna outreach, hymnal evangelism)
Each local church council to utilize their monthly spiritual cultivation time to share with one another regarding this theme.
USGA to upload all plans submitted by local churches (by January 31st, 2023) so that local churches can learn from one another.
Announce this theme and overall plan to the congregation and encourage all members to strive towards this goal in this year.
English (poster, phone wallpaper, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube)