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2023 References

January: Evangelical Strategy

God wants all men to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth. Prior to ascension, He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation” (1 Tim 2:4; Mk 16:15). To obey the instruction of the Savior and fulfill the Father’s will to save men, we ought to fulfill our duty in evangelism.

February: Content of Evangelism

March: Objects of Evangelism

Paul said, “Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air” (1 Cor 9:26). Christians run toward Heaven in order to obtain an imperishable crown – an everlasting portion of Heavenly kingdom. To fight the battle courageously is to fight against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms, and to save lost souls. To preach the gospel to save souls of men; objects of evangelism are not-yet friends who have yet to believe – Truth seekers.


Paul said, “I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish.” It is evident that creations of all nations are objects of our evangelism.

April: Channels of Evangelism

"All roads lead to Rome" tells people that there are many different ways to accomplish a certain goal.

"Mountains don't turn, roads turn; roads don't turn, cars turn; cars don't turn, people turn; people don't turn, hearts change" is to tell people that "if you reach a dead-end, you will change paths, and if you change, you will find a way out".

The truth of salvation in the Bible will never change, but to achieve the goal of "preaching and saving souls", there are many flexible methods, which are worth implementing by evangelists.

The Lord Jesus said, "Go and make disciples of all nations." He also said, "I send you as sheep among wolves; therefore be as wise as serpents, and as gentle as doves" (Matthew 28:19, 10:16).

There are so many channels of evangelism, and the wisdom of using them lies in one’s heart. As long as you pray and ask God to guide you and reward you with wisdom, you will be able to rely on the Lord to do what you want. In addition to the commonly used methods of evangelism, here are other channels of evangelism.

It seems that it is not easy to invite relatives and friends to participate in evangelical services on weekdays. However, for weddings and funerals, many close relatives and friends come to attend voluntarily and listen to the sermon solemnly. If the speaker can seize the opportunity and clearly share the benefits of believing in the Lord clearly in the doctrine, such as: Christians do not follow secular traditions; after believing in the Lord, we are free from the control of Satan, and we are free in making choices according to the biblical teachings without fear; so every day is a good day, as long as it is convenient, every time is a good time, if it’s under God’s will. We have no fear on the seventh month of the lunar calendar (that is, the ghost month in Chinese culture, nothing is suitable). In Christ we are safe, free, and happy; husbands and wives respect and love each other; and have a blessed marriage to the end of life, as well as the morality of believing in the Lord: abiding by filial piety, prudently chasing after the end, respecting the old and loving the young, all of which are admired by the people in the world. Furthermore, the Gospel Team can prepare leaflets and invitation cards at the door service desk, and then distribute them to relatives and friends of the guests. In particular, it can be used to inform the date of the Spiritual Convocation Evangelical Service and our TJC website.

How can we lead the elderly to believe in the Lord? Tribute to the Elders is a good opportunity. We can give invitation cards to believers, and forward them to the elderly (or over 60 years old), and the church will enter the information of the elderly into a book. Many elderly people will be happy to receive the invitation. We should try and bring them to church in our cars if needed, greet them at the door with a smile, and pin a prepared name tag with their name (maybe even add a flower), draw a colorful commemorative poster on the wall, take a joyful photo for them (if the couple comes together, take a photo together), and lead them into the chapel to sit down. In the sermon, the speaker can speak about God's blessings to the elderly and the duty of respecting the elderly, share about filial piety, and instruct the younger generation how to respect the elderly, encouraging everyone to follow. After the sermon, the church provides a love meal and then presents a gift. The elderly would be happy to accept the invitation for the next time to attend the services. 

In a modern society where divorces, broken families, parenting difficulties, lost teenagers, economic depression, unemployment, depression, and suicide are very frequent. People feel empty, lonely, troubled, painful, and have many worries in their hearts, and they urgently need someone to solve their problems. The church can hold special sermons on spiritual cultivation, such as "The Secret of Love between Couples", "Establishment of Parent-Child Relationship", "Education of Love in the Family", "How to Counsel Teenagers", "How to Face Depression", "How to Manage Unemployment problems”, "A Joyful Life", etc. These topics can attract neighbors to listen to the lectures. As long as the workers spread the word and try their best to invite people. There will be many friends who are distressed or interested in seeking answers to attend these special lectures. After they attended these, it will be easier to evangelize to them afterwards. 

The church can hold family activities once or twice a year, whether traveling, visiting, or hiking, which can lead relatives to believe in the Lord. Before the event, you can preach to your unbelieving relatives and invite them to participate. We can invite unbelieving parents to attend these activities, so it will to be a family activity. Then take the opportunity to have fun fun, sit together, walk together, and eat together to establish friendship with unbelieving relatives in the Lord. First you talk about life, and then mention faith; If you continue to follow up, they will surely become a believer in this church.

Use holidays, festivals, and weekly breaks to plan and hold parent-child concerts, hymnal fellowships with choir singing, musical instrument performance, duet singing, ensemble, solos, as well as sermons, short gospel talks, and short testimonies and thanksgiving to spread the gospel of Christ. The program is diverse and there are many attendees. Members who participate in the performance can invite relatives and friends to the meeting (church, home or specific places are all acceptable), take the opportunity to distribute church publications, register the information of visitors, and follow-up to invite them to attend church services. 

On special days such as Mother's Day and Father's Day, the church holds fellowships, and invites relatives and friends, parents or children, by letter to give them the opportunity to come to church to learn about the church gatherings, activities, and fellowships. Brothers and sisters can appreciate the love of God and the efforts of parents’ dedication for their children. Children can develop a sense of gratitude and filial piety. The parents can develop the concept of loving the truth of the Bible, feel the warmth of love in Christ, and experience Religious Education. This can lead people to path of truth, so that the whole family can respect the elderly and love the younger ones. Christianity teaches us to respect morality and improve family happiness. You should bring the whole family to pursue and understand the truth to believe in Jesus Christ. During the Spring Festival, a special Thanksgiving gathering is held, leading the whole family to participate in the gathering, so that they can reflect and share how much grace they have received from God during the year; and learn how to fear the true God in order to receive greater grace from God.


Unbelievers are everywhere. Everyone is responsible for preaching the gospel. There are many ways to preach the gospel. Furthermore, the gospel workers are very limited, as the Lord said: "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers out to harvest His harvest" (Matt. 9:37-38).

May: Personal Evangelism (1)

In the process of evangelism, there is usually only one person who preaches the gospel and one person who listens to the gospel. This is the "one-on-one" method of evangelism, which is called personal evangelism. Personal evangelism relies on the power of the Holy Spirit and the Bible to preach Jesus Christ to people, so that people can know the one true God, in order to serve God together and receive glory together in the future when they enter the kingdom of heaven and enjoy eternal life.

June: Personal Evangelism (2)

Every believer who is baptized by grace should have the mission of preaching and saving people. In order for all those predestined to eternal life to believe in the Lord and be saved (Acts 13:44, 48-49), each person should adopt two to four unbelievers every year as the objects of your personal evangelism, and after a period of time of guidance, take them to attend church services and evangelistic services, lead them to believe and be baptized, become a "believer", and train them to become a "disciple". 

July: Personal Evangelism (3)

The Lord Jesus declared to His disciples that only those who do the will of the Father can enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 7:21). Paul clearly indicated God’s will: He wants all people to be saved and to understand the truth (1 Timothy 2:4). Therefore, as true believers, it is reasonable to follow the will of the heavenly Father to "save all people", spread the gospel widely, guide all people to understand the truth, abandon falsehood and return to the truth, and run together on the road to salvation.

Paul is finally entrusted by the Lord, with the determination of "I might by all means save some". He did his best for the gospel, so as to share the benefits of the gospel with others (1 Corinthians 9:16-23). To Timothy, Paul writes, “Preach the word, in season and out of season, with all your heart, with all patience...., be careful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of a preacher, and fulfill your ministry” (2 Timothy 4:1- 5). From this we can see the importance of preaching and saving people.

August: Personal Evangelism (4) 

Personal evangelism is a labor-intensive and time-consuming task. Why do some people enjoy it? It is because their heart is motivated by the love of the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:14). Those who live for the Lord should follow the main purpose and preach the gospel to save souls.


September: Evangelism Training (1)

Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He specifically charged his disciples: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all peoples." (Mark 16:15) Therefore, all true believers should inherit the Lord's great work of saving souls, obey the will of the Father, and save the world. 

Therefore, preaching refers to a Christian who has been baptized or has been trained to talk about the truth of salvation with a friend wholeheartedly and sincerely. In other words, preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus to others, share the correct faith with them, and share the benefits of the gospel.

The Lord Jesus wanted to save His people from their sins (Matt. 1:21), and today’s Christians are to work together with the Lord to complete the substantive work of saving people’s spiritual lives.

October: Evangelism Training (2)

8. The method of talking drills: about 12 people in each group, carry out in groups.

The church should often carry out "speech drills" to train gospel workers. Proverbs says "a pot is for refining silver, and a furnace is for refining gold" (Proverbs 17:3). Providing training opportunities for speech drills can help those who are interested with the same spirit in the Lord, it becomes a precious vessel like gold and silver, which is suitable for the use of our Lord Jesus Christ. The church can arrange qualified personnel or gospel group leaders to be the "host" of the sermon drill, and prepare the topic and content of the drill in advance, with seriousness, lead participants in a simulated personal preaching question-and-answer situation. There are four ways to learn how to preach to people

November: Truth Discussion Practicum

December: Basics of Visitor Attendants

Currently for the works of evangelism for campus fellowship, working youth fellowship and even the sermon speaking at church, it is believed that the works of group discussion would have great impact on evangelism. If this area of work is carried out properly, it will definitely bring much benefit in the future following up work. Once the truth is sown into the hearts of the truth seeking friends, then the truth will grow in their hearts.

The youth of today ought to equip themselves to serve the Lord, so the work of discussing the truth allows us to do our part and after receiving much experience in this field of work, we will be more familiar with it.

Leading people to the Lord is the basic duty of all believers, as Paul said, ‘When I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, for I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel! If I preach voluntarily, I have reward; if not voluntarily, I am simply discharging the trust committed to me’. Some may think that as long as we know about personal evangelism and simply plant the seed of the gospel into the hearts of others, then the rest is up to the individual. They have neglected to the works of watering, nurturing and getting rid of any problems, hence the effects of their works are not great. Therefore, we need to emphasize on the works of cultivation, so that they can grow. The work of cultivation includes group discussion and follow up works. In fact this form of discussion is also follow-up works. In order to re-enforce the works of evangelism by doing follow-up, which is discussing the truth with them, both preaching and cultivating are carried out simultaneously to remind them not to forget about the work of ‘discussing the truth’. The ongoing follow up work should be carried out by mature members (believers) and supported by any other working groups of the church to help truth seekers to find the truth.

The workers should carry out the discussion based on that particular circumstance and target it towards the needs of the truth seeker. However, for those who have not been involved in this area of divine works, it is necessary for them to understand the few basics and they will be able to make use of them and develop their experience through that process.

Depending on how much time is allocated for discussion as announced by the service leader and if the truth seeking friends wish to stay to discuss the truth, we need to find out how long can they stay for and not to drag on with the conversation until late at night, so that it will not affect their having to go to work the next day.

Perhaps the truth seeking friend will raise several questions and some of the question are asked because they wish to gain a deeper understanding, but there are also some questions which are raised to make things difficult for the our workers to handle. Therefore, we need to be mindful. If the question does not lead to contention, we need to give them the answers, but if we know that it will cause contention, we need to avoid it in order to keep the peace and give them a chance to discussion the matter in the future. Hence, when we encounter questions that might cause contention, we need to handle it properly:

The workers should not carry the attitude that they are there to teach the truth seekers and should not see themselves as better than others by pointing out the sin of others.

We can bear testimony regarding how we transgressed against the Lord in the past and how we come before God to seek for forgiveness. It will indirectly tell the truth seekers that they too have sinned, and they will come to understand that we are in the same situation as they are and we are just as weak. Then they will be able to be honest with us and we will be able to lead them to repentance and to believe in the Lord.

Many truth seekers will have to face some hindrances from the evil one, such as: mockery from their friends, attacks from their relatives, temptation by things which involve sinful pleasures (gambling and immorality), so that they cannot escape from the bondage. So we need to remind them to prepare their hearts, to rely constantly on prayer, to come to church regularly and to intercede for one another to overcome all things. At the same time, we can made use of some testimonies to strengthen their faith.

Not only the angels in heaven would be joyful over them, the whole church is happy for them too. This matter is indeed a great blessing. With our sincerity, honesty and care for them, we can help to minimize the inferior feelings and anxieties they may have, so that they will have the faith to continue with the work of seeking after the truth.

These reminders mentioned above can be applied whenever necessary and also with flexibility, and the result shall be good in the end.

When the church organizes door to door evangelism, outdoor evangelism, family evangelism and evangelism services, the church will start to give out registration cards through the divine workers. Due to the fact that we do not have a lot of experience in follow-up work, or the lack of proper organization, we might not be able to get in touch with the truth seekers for two to three months after the evangelical service. If this is left till much later, the faith of the truth seekers would also turn cold and some may even lose their faith, so many of these truth seekers are lost. Sometimes, although they have been visited by divine workers, they were not able to communicate well with the workers because they do not know them very well and there is not much success from these works. All the hard work of evangelism has not come to fruition because of the lack of follow-up work, and it is something very regrettable.

Therefore, the church needs to design a good plan for these follow-up works. After each evangelical service, we have to organize meetings to discuss about ‘follow-up work’. Apart from evaluating the result of the evangelical service, we could also find out if the workers who spoke to the truth seekers are willing to carry on with the follow-up work? If they are not willing, where can we find replacements? How can we manage the registration information gathered from the truth seekers? Among the people who came to seek the truth, how many of them require others to look after them? Will the follow-up work be done by the truth seeker themselves, in a group and individually? How can we record follow-up work? Should the work group meeting be held at a regular time?

A properly organized follow-up work will assist any future organization of evangelical services and it will help to increase the effectiveness of evangelical works.

Why is it better to let the workers who are present at the discussion session to carry on with the follow-up works? Some of the reasons are as follows:

Contact them within 3 days (via phone or meeting) after the evangelical service to understand their situation after searching for the truth and give them proper encouragement and guidance.