2022 Theme: Grow As One Body
The USGA would like to set “Grow As One Body” as the 2022 theme for all local churches to focus on the pastoral work in this new year.
Especially due to the impact of this pandemic, some of our members have not returned to church or have become weak in faith. As the Bible teaches us, the church is the body of Christ (Eph 1:23), and each member is a part of this body. The pastoral work is to help every part of this body to grow together spiritually.
The local churches to focus on the following areas, but not limited to:
Pastor members’ faith based on the truth (Jude 20, Eph 4:13)
Deepen members’ understanding of the ten basic beliefs.
Thoroughly teach believers to understand each book in the Bible.
Keep members in God’s love (Jude 21, Eph 4:15~16)
Strengthen different fellowships in the church (Acts 2:42)
Care and reach out to lost sheep (James 5:20)
Promote the spirit of prayer (Jude 20, Acts 2:42)
Each local church council to utilize their monthly spiritual cultivation time to share with one another regarding this theme.
USGA to upload all plans submitted by local churches (by January 31st, 2022) so that local churches can learn from one another.
Announce this theme and overall plan to the congregation, so that all members can strive towards this goal in this year.
English (poster, phone wallpaper, Facebook, Instagram)